
43-13: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve that Book of Government 17-5 be deleted, with the following sections renumbered, and that Book of Government 6-8D and 18-3H be amended.

The Permanent Judicial Commission recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the amendments to G.17-5, G.6-8D, and 18-3H.

Proposed new wording in blue italics
Current Wording Proposed Wording

17-5 Treasurer

  1. Where the responsibility for the finances of the local church falls to the Board, it shall appoint a Treasurer to handle the financial matters of the congregation. This person may or may not be a
  2. Where the Session retains responsibility for financial matters, it shall follow this stipulation: the Treasurer shall report to the appointing body at each stated meeting, keeping a careful record of financial matters. The appointing body shall be responsible for an annual audit of the finances of the church.

17-5 Treasurer

  1. Where the responsibility for the finances of the local church falls to the Board, it shall appoint a Treasurer to handle the financial matters of the congregation. This person may or may not be a
  2. Where the Session retains responsibility for financial matters, it shall follow this stipulation: the Treasurer shall report to the appointing body at each stated meeting, keeping a careful record of financial matters. The appointing body shall be responsible for an annual audit of the finances of the church.

6-8 The local church has the right to elect Trustees from within its membership who have demonstrated a consistent Christian life.

  1. Trustees shall have the power, upon authorization from the local church, to buy, sell, and mortgage real property, accept and execute deeds, to hold and defend titles to the same, and to assume other such related duties as may be assigned to them.
  2. The responsibilities of the Trustees shall not infringe upon the duties or powers of the Church Session or the Board of Deacons, and their authority is always subject to the instruction of the local church.
  3. All personal property is under the authority of the Session. If the local church does not elect a Board of Trustees, the responsibilities above are retained by the Session.
  4. If a local church does not elect Trustees (or if Deacons have not been given the responsibility of property), the Session, or a designated portion of the court, shall serve as the Trustees of the local church.

6-8 The local church has the right to elect Trustees from within its membership who have demonstrated a consistent Christian life.

  1. Trustees shall have the power, upon authorization from the local church, to buy, sell, and mortgage real property, accept and execute deeds, to hold and defend titles to the same, and to assume other such related duties as may be assigned to them.
  2. The responsibilities of the Trustees shall not infringe upon the duties or powers of the Church Session or the Board of Deacons, and their authority is always subject to the instruction of the local church.
  3. All personal property is under the authority of the Session. If the local church does not elect a Board of Trustees, the responsibilities above are retained by the Session.
  4. If a local church does not elect Trustees (or if Deacons have not been given the responsibility of property), the Session, or a designated portion of the court, shall serve as the Trustees of the local church.

18-3 Authority and Responsibilities of the Session

In maintaining the spiritual supervision of the local church, the Session has the following authority and responsibilities:

  1. To oversee the worship of the congregation in accordance with the Book of Worship, including the time and place of worship, special services, the music program, and the celebration of the sacraments. This shall not infringe on the responsibility of the Pastor
    in the selection of hymns, Scriptures, sermon, administration of the sacraments, or other duties that are incumbent on the office of
  2. To organize itself within the bounds of this Constitution and lawful acts of the higher Church courts for the advancement of the gospel and the mission of that congregation.
  3. To initiate the ministry of evangelism as the first business of the Church, and to seek to lead persons to an acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  4. To oversee the discipleship ministries of the church, leading members to maturity in Christ.
  5. To monitor the spiritual conduct of the members, and to take action when appropriate according to procedures set forth in the Book of Discipline.
  6. To remind parents of the responsibility of presenting their children for baptism, and to provide instruction as indicated in the Book of Worship, Section 3-2.G. To this end, Sessions should establish and conduct under their authority Sunday schools and Bible classes and adopt such other methods as may be found helpful. The Session shall encourage the parents of the Church to guide their children in the catechizing and disciplining of them in the Christian religion.
  7. To receive, dismiss, restore, grant affiliation, remove members and keep rolls in accordance with G.8-1, 8-2, and 8-3. The Session may establish a minimum age for the active roll and to vote in congregational meetings.
  8. To determine the budget of the church and the benevolence objectives of the congregation.

18-3 Authority and Responsibilities of the Session

In maintaining the spiritual supervision of the local church, the Session has the following authority and responsibilities:

  1. To oversee the worship of the congregation in accordance with the Book of Worship, including the time and place of worship, special services, the music program, and the celebration of the sacraments. This shall not infringe on the responsibility of the Pastor
    in the selection of hymns, Scriptures, sermon, administration of the sacraments, or other duties that are incumbent on the office of
  2. To organize itself within the bounds of this Constitution and lawful acts of the higher Church courts for the advancement of the gospel and the mission of that congregation.
  3. To initiate the ministry of evangelism as the first business of the Church, and to seek to lead persons to an acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  4. To oversee the discipleship ministries of the church, leading members to maturity in Christ.
  5. To monitor the spiritual conduct of the members, and to take action when appropriate according to procedures set forth in the Book of Discipline.
  6. To remind parents of the responsibility of presenting their children for baptism, and to provide instruction as indicated in the Book of Worship, Section 3-2.G. To this end, Sessions should establish and conduct under their authority Sunday schools and Bible classes and adopt such other methods as may be found helpful. The Session shall encourage the parents of the Church to guide their children in the catechizing and disciplining of them in the Christian religion.
  7. To receive, dismiss, restore, grant affiliation, remove members and keep rolls in accordance with G.8-1, 8-2, and 8-3. The Session may establish a minimum age for the active roll and to vote in congregational meetings.
  8. To determine the budget of the church and the benevolence objectives of the congregation determine and oversee the finances of the local church, including the budget and the benevolence objectives of the congregation.