
43-14: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve that Book of Discipline 1-1 be amended.

The Permanent Judicial Commission recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the proposal of the National Leadership Team, as modified by the PJC, to amend Book of Discipline 1-1 Definition of Church Discipline.

Proposed new wording in blue italics
Current Wording Proposed Wording

1-1 Definition of Church Discipline

There are two kinds of authority vested in the church; the responsibility of order and the authority of jurisdiction. Both kinds of authority are given the church by the Lord Jesus Christ to instruct and guide her members and to promote her purity and welfare. Discipline is the exercise of the responsibility of order, particularly in regard to the reproving of the erring. As the exercise of such authority may adversely affect the membership rights of an individual who has been accused of an offense, the authority requires the use of ecclesiastical judicial procedures.

The word “discipline,” when used in the Book of Discipline, chapters 1-11, shall therefore refer to the use of ecclesiastical judicial procedures.

1-1 Definition of Church Discipline

There are two kinds of authority vested in the church; the responsibility of order and the authority of jurisdiction. Both kinds of authority are given the church by the Lord Jesus Christ to instruct and guide her members and to promote her purity and welfare. Discipline is the exercise of the responsibility of order, particularly in regard to the reproving of the erring. As the exercise of such authority may adversely affect the membership rights of an individual who has been accused of an offense, the authority requires the use of ecclesiastical judicial procedures.

The word “discipline,” when used in the Book of Discipline, chapters 1-11, shall therefore refer to the use of ecclesiastical judicial procedures. Church discipline does not supersede or negate the legal responsibility to report cases of suspected abuse to civil authorities according to local and state requirements.