
Summary of Action Items

43-01: The Nominating Committee recommends that the 43rd General Assembly elect TE Joe Kim as Moderator of the 43rd General Assembly.

43-02: The Nominating Committee recommends that the 43rd General Assembly elect RE Victor Jones as Moderator-elect of the 43rd General Assembly.

43-03: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve a Moderator-appointed, Ad-interim committee to revise the Pastoral Letter on Domestic Abuse.

43-04: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the formation of a Permanent Committee on Disaster Relief.

The PJC recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the recommendation of the National Leadership Team to amend the Rules of Assembly X-10 to form a Permanent Committee on Disaster Relief.

43-05: The Nominating Committee recommends that the 43rd General Assembly elect the slate of Nominees for the 43rd EPC General Assembly permanent committees, standing committees, and boards.

43-06: Hope Church, Memphis, Tennesse, invites the 43rd General Assembly to hold the 44th General Assembly on its campus.

43-07: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the FY24 Administrative Budget.

43-08: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the FY24 Special Projects.

43-09: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the Minutes of the 42nd General Assembly.

43-10: The Fraternal Relations Committee recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve that the Evangelical Presbyterian Church withdraw from the World Communion of Reformed Churches effective upon approval of this recommendation.

43-11: The Fraternal Relations Committee recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve entering into a fraternal relationship with the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO).

43-12: The Benefits Resources, Inc., Board of Directors recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve ordained minister drawing retirement income from the EPC 403(b)(9) Defined Contribution Retirement Plan be allowed to designate up to 100% of their retirement income from housing allowance as permitted by applicable regulations adopted pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.

43-13: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the Book of Government 17-5 be deleted, with the following sections renumbered, and the Book of Government 6-8D and 18-3H be amended.

The PJC recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the amendments to G.17-5, G.6-8D, and G.18-3H.

43-14: The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve that the Book of Discipline 1-1 be amended.

The PJC recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the proposal of the National Leadership Team, as modified by the PJC, to amend Book of Discipline 1-1 Definition of Church Discipline.

43-15: The MVC recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve a Moderator-appointed task force to consult with outside experts and complete a thorough review of our Book of Discipline and associated Forms to present recommendations to the 44th General Assembly.

The NLT recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve a Moderator-appointed task force to consult with outside experts and complete a thorough review of our Book of Discipline and associated Forms to present recommendations to the 44th General Assembly.

43-16: The CWCC recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve amending the Book of Government sections 9-5E and 9-11 to include the requirement for Chaplain endorsements.

The MVC recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the “Denominational Requirements for Endorsement to Serve as a Chaplain.”

The PJC recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the proposed amendments to G.9-5E and G.9-11B from the Chaplains Work and Care Committee, as edited by the PJC.

43-17:The MVC recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the creation of a Moderator-appointed, Ad-interim committee for the purpose of reviewing our ordination standards and process and recommending any potential changes to the 45th General Assembly.

43-18: The Moderator of 42nd General Assembly recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the 2023-2024 Chairman for the BRI Board of Directors and a slate of nominees to fill vacancies of the Permanent Nominating Committee.

43-19: The Presbytery Review Committee recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the Exceptions requiring responses and found in the 2022 minutes of 14 of our 16 Presbyteries.

43-20: The Presbytery Review Committee recommends that the 43rd General Assembly approve the responses of the Presbyteries to those Exceptions sent to them by the 42nd General Assembly.

43-21: Possible Omnibus Motion.